Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Kaleidoscope of Early Japanese Modern Kimono-An exhibition of Kosode Byobu

Title A Kaleidoscope of Early Japanese Modern Kimono-An exhibition of Kosode Byobu
Publication year 1994

This book was published as a pamphlet of Japanese Kosode exhibition by National Museum of Japanese History.Some pagesincluding foreword are written in English.

The English foreword to this book says,"Of particular note among the nearly one thousand items in the collection are a groupe of one hundred screens called "Kosode Byoubu" which were modeled after a type of early modern "fuzoku byoubu(screens of manners and customd)"known as tagasode byoubu.The screen depicts images of Kosode draped over clothes racks.But unlike Tagasode Byoubu,Kosode Byoubu actually incorporate portions of real Kosode collaged to the surface which are arranged to suggest the full effect of garment.Each screens consists of two panels,both of which are decorated with Kosode in such styles as Tsujigahana,nuihaku,Kanbun Kosode,Genroku Kosode,and Yuzenzome among others.The works focus on important examples of textile design from the Momoyama to the mid edo period"