Title Morihiro Wada Ceramics Sobo in Soho
Publication year 1990
Publication year 1990
This is a rare exhibition catalogue of Morihiro Wada.
This is a first major exhibit held in New York.So it is written both in English and in Japanese.Unlike the catalogues I have bought before,this is a hardcover and a bit larger.I am not sure why.This is the last one I have now.
This is a first major exhibit held in New York.So it is written both in English and in Japanese.Unlike the catalogues I have bought before,this is a hardcover and a bit larger.I am not sure why.This is the last one I have now.
37 exceptional items are contained.All are shown in full color.Approx 50 pages.
I am very happy to welcome the ceramic art exhibit of Morihiro Wada to New York
Mr. Wada has distinguished himself over the past twenty years as one of Japan's premier ceramicists. His works have been exhibited in Japan and around the world, receiving high acclaim everywhere. Mr. Wada's first major exhibit in New York will give Americans an opportunity to
experience the rare beauty of this traditional Japanese craft.
Mr. Wada has distinguished himself over the past twenty years as one of Japan's premier ceramicists. His works have been exhibited in Japan and around the world, receiving high acclaim everywhere. Mr. Wada's first major exhibit in New York will give Americans an opportunity to
experience the rare beauty of this traditional Japanese craft.
Through the international language of art, Mr. Wada's exhibit will, I am sure, do much to enhance mutual understanding between the peoples of
Japan and the United States.
Japan and the United States.
All my best wishes for the success of this auspicious event.
May, 1990
Masamichi Hanabusa
Consul General of Japan in New York
May, 1990
Masamichi Hanabusa
Consul General of Japan in New York