Publication Year 1990
It has 60plates of excellent Japanese Inro and Nestsuke in it.All plates are shown in full color.
The English foreword to this book says,"The sole inro museum in Japan,this institution was established in the spring of 1990in my hometown Takayama,which is closely connected with Edo culture.This museum,into which a storehouse constructed in 1888 was remodeled,has two stories and covers a floor space of some 330m in total.
It houses about 330 inro which I have collected for more than 30 years not only from collectors in Japan and abroad but also through auctions held in various countries.
I hope that this museum would help many people to have a true appreciation of inro as microcosmos of elaborate Japanese craftsmanship and to realize great enthusiasm with which craftsman in the Edo period tried to reach tie acme of refinement."