Title Kombuin Embroidered Fukusa
The English foreword to this book says,"The temple of Kombuin 31 embroidered FUKUSA(cloth covering for gift) known as Edo fukusa,as well as Kombuin fukusa.The fifth Shogunof the Tokugawa line,Tsunayoshi used these fuksa to wrap the gifts he presented to his favorite concubineZuishun'in.His powe such that in those days,he retained the best craftsman in Japan to make new Fkusa in which to wrap all the gifts he gave her on various occasions,such as at the new year,at mid summer,and at year -end.This book contains only some of the tens of Fukusa Zuishun'in received from Tsunayoshi until his death at the new year in 1709."
This Fukusa is designated Important Cultural Property.
Please see the following page. Konbuin
"Garan" in this Konbuin were built by Enshu Kobori,who is one of the most famous masters of ceremonial tea together with Sennorikyu.Konbuin is located in Nara City.