Sunday, November 27, 2011

The World of Yuki Atae Modern Japanese Doll Maker

Title The World of Yuki Atae
Publication Year 2006

The English preface to this book says,"Ate's dolls are very natural in appearance:they stand straight and their little bodies virtually sparkle all over with soul,reminding we viewers of scenes of times that have receded ever further into the recesses of memory.

These incredibly life-like figures journeyed overseas in Feburary to Paris'Baccarat galerie-Musse for a personal exhibition.It was popular:the dolls attracted a considerable crowd everyday,which was treated to an awesome experience of suprise and wonder.

The upcoming welcome home exhibition is the first in five years ,and features around 130 figures mainly focusiing on Atae's homage to maestro movie director Yasujiro Ozu,which was first unveiled in France.The aim of the exhibition is to allow visitors to truely experience the world of doll art."

This book contains 51 dolls by Yuki Atae.All dolls are shown in full color.