Title Shoninki
Publication year 1988
Author Masatake Fujibayashi
Translator Sanjiro Kimura
Shoninki is a Kishu-ryu Ninjutsu book which was written in 1681.'Sho' means 'correct' and 'Nin' means 'Ninjutsu'.Shoninki is trnaslated as Correct Ninjutsu Book.
In Japan,it is a very famous Ninja book together with Bansenshukai and Ninpiden.(They have been called 3 major ninja books in Japan)
Many Japanese modern books on Ninja are based on them.
Some researchers on Ninjutsu,Ninja such as Yumio Nawa think more highly of Shoninki than Bansen Shukai.
Unfortunately,it is very difficult even for Japanese to read in the original because it is not written in modern Japanese language(It was published in the Edo period).
The author of Shoninki says,"Ninja have often deceived people.So I described all the secret art of Ninja because it is impossible to defend yourself from danger without knowing them."
In order to learn about the essence of Ninjutsu,Shoninki is the first material for those who are interested in Ninja.
Softcover about 201 pages Out-of-print book One of must-have items.