Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Judo Koza God of Judo Kyuzo Mifune recommended by Kodokan

Title Judo Koza
Publicaton Year 1955
Supervising Editor Kyuzo Mifune,Kazuzo Kudo

These books are supervised by Kyuzo Mifune,Kazuzo Kudo and written by many great Judo players including Mifune Kyuzo.The slipcase says,"Recommended by Kodokan and All Japan Judo Federation"Comprehensive Judo Text Book.It can be said that it is one of must-have books if you are interested in Kodokan Judo.
This Judo Koza is becoming hard-to-come by here in Japan.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ryukyu Bojutsu no Hiketsu Murakami katsumi

Title Ryukyu Bojutsu no Hiketsu
Publication Year 1983
Author Murakami Katasumi

This is his second book on Bojutsu.Also,this book contains a lot of photos in it,so it will be a good textbook if you are interested in Bojutsu.

He is an expert on Shorin-ryu(7th dan) and Toon-ryu.He has published another Martial Arts book,entitled "Karatedo and Ryukyu Kobudo"
In the preface to this book,Katsumi Murakami says,"This is an sequel edition to my previous book,'Introduction to Bojutsu'The previous book was for beginners focusing on the basics.This is a commentary on Bojutsu deals with advanced techniques."

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Shugei no Tomo Kurenaikai Saito Iwao The Founder of Kurenaikai

Title Shugei no Tomo
Publication Year 1971

This issue features
Kurenaikai Embroidery over 20 pages.The article is written by Saito Iwao,the founder of Kurenaikai.

It is hard to find even in Japan mainly because it was published 40 years ago.Anyway,it is a great ref magazine if you are interested in Japanese embroidery.

The World of Yuki Atae Modern Japanese Doll Maker

Title The World of Yuki Atae
Publication Year 2006

The English preface to this book says,"Ate's dolls are very natural in appearance:they stand straight and their little bodies virtually sparkle all over with soul,reminding we viewers of scenes of times that have receded ever further into the recesses of memory.

These incredibly life-like figures journeyed overseas in Feburary to Paris'Baccarat galerie-Musse for a personal exhibition.It was popular:the dolls attracted a considerable crowd everyday,which was treated to an awesome experience of suprise and wonder.

The upcoming welcome home exhibition is the first in five years ,and features around 130 figures mainly focusiing on Atae's homage to maestro movie director Yasujiro Ozu,which was first unveiled in France.The aim of the exhibition is to allow visitors to truely experience the world of doll art."

This book contains 51 dolls by Yuki Atae.All dolls are shown in full color.

Ichiku Tsujigahana Works of Ichiku Kubota

Title Ichiku Tsujigahana Works of Ichiku Kubota
Publication year 1982

Mr.Kubota,who had been in the field of hand painted YUZEN textiles,was profoudly moved by the exhaustive medieval beauty of the small fragment of ancient textile of TSUJIGAHANA called the "phantasmal dyeing technique"in the collection of he Tokyo National Museum.It was then that he determined to recreate this dyeing technique one day.

There is the description about Tsujigahana and Ichiku Kubota in English at the last part of this item. You can enjoy Tsujigahana by seeing and reading this.

Shikiishi and Tobiishi for Japanese Gardens

Title Shikiishi and Tobiishi(Stepping Stones)
Publication Year 1979

This is a deluxe photo collection of Shikiishi and Tobiishi for unique Japanese style Japanese gardens.

Bonsai Beauty and Harmony:Masterpices from the Seikoen

Title Bonsai Beauty and Harmony: Masterpieces from the Seikoen Collections
Author Yamada,Kamajiro and Tomio Yamada
Publication Year 1974

This is a deluxe bonsai book supervised by Seikoen in miya Bonsai Village.Fortunately,it is written both in Japanese and in English.

Kakuryuan Bonsai Collection supervised by Kimura Masahiko in English

Title Kakuryuan Bonsai Collection
Supervising Editor Kimura Masahiko

This is an extremely rare and deluxe bonsai book supervised by Kimura Masahiko.It is written both in Japanese and in English.

Kimura Masahiko says,"Mr Kenichi Oguchi has long benn a famous and important figure as a bonsia collection in the world.His name has been in my mind since quite a long time ago.But the first time I met him was when I was asked to take care of his treasured trees in the late fall of 1983.
Being an active entrepreneur in the business world,and having a knowledge of what real life is with a large amount of experiences ,he has been cultivating his own sense of the aesthetic by mastering Japanese calligraphy and many other arts.When he turns to bonsai he pints out the essential qualities of beauty with his original point of view which seems to penetrate everything keenly,but still he has a gentle and generous personality.Thus I learned a lot of him.
If Kakuryuan bonsai collection is not merely a collection book of a man's life with bonsai but stimulates people all over the world to get involved in this peaceful art,it will help to deepen international excahanges as MRr.Oguchi hopes.Also if it helps to male bonsai more popular and better understood,I take it as a great honor to be a supervisor of this book"

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Japanese Embroidery Textbook Kurenaikai Iwao Saito

Title Japanese Embroidery Textbook(Nihon Shishu Kyokasho)
Author Saito Iwao The founder of Kurenaikai

One of his most hard-to-find books.It is at best once a year that we come across it.
If you are interested in buying it,please feel free to email us.

Nihon Toko Jiten Yoshio Fujishiro and Matsuo Fujishiro Koto Shinto

Title Nihon Toko Jiten 2vol
Author Yoshio Fujishiro and Matsuo
Most famous and most comprehensive Japanese Sword Ref Book.It can be said that this is a must-have book if you are interessted in Japanese Swords.

This is a Nihon Toko Jiten composed of 2 volumes and it is written by Matsuo Fujishiro and Yoshio Fujishiro.It is known as classic Japanese language sword reference book. This book includes detailed oshigata and information on the most important Japanese sword smiths of shinto time periods. This book has long been high on the list of recommneded reference text for Japanese swords. Fujishiro's rankings aer commonly used by many collectors and scholars.

Kumihimo Jewelry Nakayama Aya

Title Kumihimo Jewelry Nakayama Aya
Author Nakayama Aya
Publication Year 1979

The author Aya Nakayama says "My book "Kumihimo Jewelry" seemed to be rediscovered recently by a student when she read the title in a library. She decided to study it for her graduation thesis. Her first understanding of the term Kumihimo Jewelry was that it meant a jewel-encrusted braided necklace. This is no wonder because in Japan, jewelry normally means a decoration with jewels. However Kumihimo Jewelry is a personal ornament designed by an artist and so originality is an essential character.

It was almost 30 years ago when I started to work with Kumihimo for my jewelry oeuvre. My first visit to Europe awakened me to how ignorant I was about my own country Japan and so in my subsequent works I focussed my attention there.

In researching Japan's original materials and techniques I discovered the beauty of Kumihimo. My first work was made with a kumihimo braid - although this had been made by another person - and it was accepted in a competition.  The work was not entirely my own because the kumihimo had not been made for jewelry and this dissatisfaction in addition to the pleasure I found in the elegant braiding movements resulted in my study of Kumihimo. It was with surprise that I realized the huge variety of pattern and shape of kumihimo braids that can be produced using the simple stand called a marudai. My enthusiasm for Kumihimo developed in this way.

A more original work became possible when I understood that the variety in Kumihimo braids was due to a combination of structure, color arrangement and the color of the thread. This development resulted in the award of a fourth place prize in a competition. This work was further improved in color and the Kumihimo part was entirely replaced. My Kumihimo work thus became more beautiful and the final work was more original although it was nothing more than an easy combination of Kumihimo and chased metal.

How can silver and silk be joined ? Day and night, the compatibility of chased metal and braided silk was on my mind. I researched methods of making the fusion between the two and eventually figured out a satisfying solution. The result was not perfect but my first fusion work, a necklace was finally perfected and awarded a grand prix.

This type of work was named Series U representing United as well as the "u" of Yugou (fusion in Japanese) . Two works U-1 and U-5 were added to the collection of The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo. A series of work using Kumihimo was named Kumihimo Jewelry."

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bijutsu Bonki meihin Taisei Murata Kyuzo Kyukaen Omiya Bonsai Village

Title Bijutsu Bonki Meihin Taisei Prefaced by Murata Kyuzo Kyukaen(Omiya Bonsai Village) Bonsai Master

This is a super deluxe and extremely rare Bonki book,which is composed of 2 volumes(one is Japanese Bonki and another is Chinese one.)It is becoming hard-to-come by even in Japan.

If you are interested in Bonsai pots,this is one of must-have books. from Bonsai Town Omiya

Msashiko Kimura The Magical Technician of Contemporary Bonsai

Title Msashiko Kimura The Magical Technician of Contemporary Bonsai
Author Bonsai Master in Omiya Bonsai Village

This is an extremely rare bonsai book entitled Msashiko imura The Magical Technician of Contemporary Bonsai Part 3.

The English preface to this book says,"Masahiko Kimura,a pioneer in the development of new bonsai techniques,reveales through his fiercely beautiful works his deep love for the art of Bonsai.
Mr.Kimura has become even more well-known not only in Japan but also throughout the world." from Bonsai Town Omiya

Friday, November 4, 2011

Okinawaden Gojuryu Karatedo Miyazato Eiichi Gojuryu Karate Master

Title Okinawaden Gojuryu Karatedo
Author Miyazato Eiichi
Publicaion Year 1978


This is an extremely rare Gojuryu Karate book written by Miyazato Eiichi,who is a successor to Okinawa Gojuryu Karate(the founder is Miyagi Chojun).This book includes a photo of his practicing Karate with Miyagi Chojun at the top of this book.It was published 25 years after Miyagi Chojun passed away and Miyazato Eiichi opened his Dojo.

This book will provide a step-by-step guide. It is a must-have book if you are interested in Goju-ryu Karate.

Okinawa Goju-ryu Karatedo Giho supervised by Miyazato Eiichi

Title Seiden Okinawa Goju-ryu Karatedo Giho
Supervising Editor  Miyazato Eiichi,Gojuryu Karate Master
Author Kai Kunimasa
Publication Year Hesiei 9

This is a very rare Goju-ryu Karate book supervised by Miyazato Eiichi,Gojuryu Karate Master.

The foreword to this book says,"This book compiles all Karate techniques Miyazato Eiichi,who is a successor to Okinawa Gojuryu Karate,have taught us directly.It was published in Showa 62."

If you have any books you are looking for,please feel free to email us.