Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tomiki Kenji Aikido Nyumon

Title Aikido Nyumon
Author Tomiki Kenji

This is a very rare Aikido book written by Tomiki Kenji.It has a lot of photos in it.

In the preface to this book,Kenji Tomiki says,"In our country,there are several Jujutsu schools,which have been handed down from generation to generation.Daito-ryu Jujutsu is one of them.My sensei Ueshiba Morihei learned Jujutsu under Takeda Sokaku and also studied many other schools.Then he originated Aikido.
I have learned Kodokan Judo since I was a child.I have studied relationship between Judo and Aikido after learning Aikido for about 30 years."

Ryukyu Kobudo Bojutsu Numon Murakami Katsumi Shorin-ryu

Ryukyu Kobudo Bojutsu Nyumon
Murakami Katsumi Okinawa Higaonnna-ryu,Okinawa Kobayashi-ryu Karate Master

In the preface to this book,Katsumi Murakami says,"These days,more and more people are showing interest in Kobudo.But very little is known about it. Bojutusu is central of Okinawan old artial Arts and also is a traditional cultural asset.It is generally believed that it is a valuable Martial Art.

I have explained Basic Kata with a lot of photos-not only significant but also easy-to-learn even for beginners-so that anyone will can understand with ease.
I firmly believe that anyone can get closer to Bojutus and make progress in it through this book"