Friday, June 12, 2009

Ninjutsu no Gokui by Gingetsu Ito

Ninjutsu no Gokui(The Essence of Ninjutsu)
First edition was published in 1917(Taisho Era).It was published in 1924 and is 50th Edition.In only 7 years,it was reprinted 50 times.So many people seem to have read this book. here in Japan.

1Ninjutus ni taisuru Goaki o Tadasu
2Ninjutsu no Keitaiteki Homen
3Ninjutsuno Keitaiteki Homenni tsuite Hio no bu ni Zokusuru Goton no Jutsu
4Ninjutsu no Keitaiteki Homen ni okeru Mushoku Mushu Musei no Gokui
5Ninjutsu no Shiniteki Homen

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Oyojizai Ninjutsu to Kankinjutsu by Gingetsu Ito

Vintage Gingetsu Ito Ninjutsu Book
Publication Year 1923(Taisho11)
In this book Gingetsu Ito says,"a certain Ninjutsu article appeared serially in Asahi Shinbun,which is one of the most famous newspaper companies.It met with a favorable reputation,contrary to expectation.That is why some Ninjutsu books came out."